Table of contents
JSON Web Token
Local Storage
Hashing is one directional. Once you get an output you cannot reverse it to get the input. Each input gives a unique output.
Changing the input a little does a drastic change on the output.
Encryption is two way. A string can be encrypted using a password. The same password is used for decryption.
JSON Web Token
It uses signatures. Anyone can see this signature. But this signature can be verified only using a secret key.
Local Storage
A place in your browser where that can store some data.
JSON Web Token
Let's look at one example:
Create a basic app that creates a token when user signs in. This token can be decoded and it must return true. This token must be verified too.
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const jwtPassword = 'secret'
const zod = require('zod')
const emailSchema = zod.string().email();
const passwordSchema = zod.string().min(6);
function signUp(username, password){
const usernameRes = emailSchema.safeParse(username);
const passwordRes = passwordSchema.safeParse(password);
if (!usernameRes.success || !passwordRes.success){
return null;
const token = jwt.sign({username}, jwtPassword);
return token
function decodeJWT(token){
const decoded = jwt.decode(token);
return true;
return false;
function verifyJWT(token){
const verified = jwt.verify(token, jwtPassword);
return verified;
return null;